Saturday, January 30, 2010

a little bit of "me" time

With all the rushing I do Monday through Friday, I have made a promise to myself to find a little more time just for "me". My schedule is always crazy and I am always rushing from one place to another. Nick has lots on his plate trying to navigate his way through the insanity that comes with being a 3rd year medical student. I have decided to become way more invested in reading than I have been these past few years - even if it's before I get dressed in the morning, on the subway, or while I'm laying in bed. After college, I took a breather from any heavy reading and definitely fell of the wagon. Here are a few that are at the top of my list:

1. The Onmivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan 
2. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
3. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
4. Going Rogue by Sarah Palin
5. Roses by Leila Meacham
6. Can You Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella 
7. Manners by Kate Spade (Ok, not quite a book-but something every lady should read!)

I can't wait to relax with a cup of hot chamomile tea and get started...


  1. 1 & 2 are on my list too....except I can't manage anything past a trashy romance novel! Darn college ruined me! Love the blog by the way!

  2. hey! thanks for your sweet words of encouragement, i really appreciate it!
    By the way, I just finished The Help and loved it! could not put it down!
